This is the personal blog of Matthew Fowler, who is also happy to be addressed as Matt.
(Pronouns: He/Him/His)
As I’ve learned from receiving lots of mis-addressed email, there are quite a few of “us Matt Fowlers” (or Matts Fowler, if you prefer), so a little disambiguation is in order.
The specific Matt Fowler whose blog this is…
- is British, grew up in Hampshire (junior and secondary school in Stubbington, 6th form college in Gosport), now lives in Brighton and Edinburgh
- is happily married to this Duncan Campbell
- (very) occasionally DJs under the stage name of Buxton The Red
- is Buxton Malaprop in the Second Life virtual-world environment (but is only rarely active there now)
- is also known as Diamond Joinee Matt Fowler
- now mostly works alongside his husband, providing assorted technical contributions (C# programming, MS SQL Server database stuff, and all sorts of other fascinating miscellany)
- is this particular person on LinkedIn, but really isn’t seeking Employment Opportunities, thanks
My social media info now has its own page and that also covers general contact details.